Monday, February 19, 2007

The Sad State of the NBA

The answer from yesterday is "A) berries white, poisonous sight." However, even though you now know which berries are poisonous, I still recommend not getting lost in the wilderness in the first place.

Anyhow, I watched a good deal of the NBA all-star festivities over the weekend and I was seriously dissappointed. If NBA Commissioner David Stern was banking on that display to be a positive presentation of his product, I think he should be embarrassed. I've been an NBA fan for a long time and even though amount of league-wide talent has been diluted in recent years and the level of play has arguably been declining steadily as well, I still bring myself to watch the games. But that all-star game was just a pathetic display. Forget the fact that much of the rest of the weekend's activities have become sad parodies of what they once were (i.e. the dunk contest, which once meant something to fans, but now is a complete joke), you would think for the game itself they might be able to get it right. Wrong. The NBA is on a slippery slope right now and something needs to be done before it becomes the new red-headed step-child of the four major sports. That's right, watch out NHL, you could soon have some competition in your race toward the bottom.

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