Sunday, February 25, 2007

Previous Videos

I believe I've figured out how to post videos directly on my blog and so I decided I'd re-post some of the things I had attempted unsuccessfully in in recent days:

Peter, Bjorn and John Music Video

Prince Super Bowl Halftime Performance (Part 1)

Prince Super Bowl Halftime Performance (Part 2)

An Old Classic


Monday, February 19, 2007

The Sad State of the NBA

The answer from yesterday is "A) berries white, poisonous sight." However, even though you now know which berries are poisonous, I still recommend not getting lost in the wilderness in the first place.

Anyhow, I watched a good deal of the NBA all-star festivities over the weekend and I was seriously dissappointed. If NBA Commissioner David Stern was banking on that display to be a positive presentation of his product, I think he should be embarrassed. I've been an NBA fan for a long time and even though amount of league-wide talent has been diluted in recent years and the level of play has arguably been declining steadily as well, I still bring myself to watch the games. But that all-star game was just a pathetic display. Forget the fact that much of the rest of the weekend's activities have become sad parodies of what they once were (i.e. the dunk contest, which once meant something to fans, but now is a complete joke), you would think for the game itself they might be able to get it right. Wrong. The NBA is on a slippery slope right now and something needs to be done before it becomes the new red-headed step-child of the four major sports. That's right, watch out NHL, you could soon have some competition in your race toward the bottom.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Survival Tip of the Day

If you're ever hiking on a mountain trail and become lost and hungry, there is a simple rhyme that will help you remember what kinds of berries are not safe to eat. Is the rhyme:

A) Berries white, poisonous sight.
B) If berries are red, you'll soon be dead.
C) Berries black, heart attack.
D) Berries blue, that's all for you.
Stay tuned for the answer...

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Mullholland Drive: Weird for Weird's Sake?

I'd like to talk a little bit about a movie I saw recently. It's not exactly a new movie. In fact, it came a few years ago. However, the reason it's on my mind is because, quite frankly, it was like nothing else I've ever seen in my life. The movie is David Lynch's Mullholland Drive, and I've never seen any other mainstream, critically acclaimed film that made quite so little sense to me. I normally enjoy movies that are creatively different from the majority of the crap Hollywood pumps out year after year. But keep in mind, when I say creative, I mean creative with a purpose and not simply creative for the sake of being weird. The latter of these two distinctions is how I saw Mullholland Drive. I mean, it's one thing for a plot to be non-linear, and to incorporate flashbacks and things like that. It's entirely different to create scenes featuring incredibly strange characters who only appear once or twice without any explanation of who they are or how they relate to the story and to then completely alter the main characters' names and identities midway through the film. I kept watching, waiting to be blown away by an ingenious ending which somehow would tie everything together, but instead the movie ended abrubtly and without any explanation whatsoever. Afterwards, I even resorted to researching Mullholland Drive in an attempt to gain some sort of closure. One article I found stated that "you don't have to understand David Lynch to appreciate his movies, and you don't have to understand Mulholland Drive to appreciate it as a masterpiece of modern cinema." While I agree it's true to a degree that you don't always have to fully understand art to appreciate it, I think something needs to at least make a certain amount of artistic sense to be considered a "masterpiece," which is the main objection I have with this statement. Too be honest, I think the plot of Mullholland Drive could have been written by an eleven-year-old with A.D.D. That might be a bit harsh, and maybe all I need to to is watch the movie again a little more closely, but right now, suffice to say that Mullholland Drive isn't exactly my cup of tea.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Miscellaneous Friday Stuff

It's Friday, so instead of getting up on my soap-box and spouting my views, I figured I'd make a habit of reserving this day as one to simply post a few of the things I find interesting and/or entertaining, in the hopes that maybe someone else will check them out and that maybe someone else will identify with me on some level. Enjoy. (Note: I'm having trouble figuring out how to host videos and the like directly on my blog so I'm going to post the links for now, but since a blog by nature is an endless, fluid work-in-progress, as soon as I figure out how to host multimedia, that's exactly what I plan on doing).

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Award Show Fatigue

I realize I'm several days late in discussing this, as it is probably not news to anyone who doesn't live under a rock. And my guess is, if you're reading this post, you probably don't. Anyway, I wanted to discuss my reaction to the Grammy's briefly. Now it's been my experience that award shows generally tend to resemble glorified popularity contests (not always, but much of the time). I can also say from experience that, in my opinion, when it comes to things like music and movies (and also sometimes people you know in everyday life), popularity and actual substance are often two nearly mutually-exclusive characteristics. That being said, I am still a huge music fan, and thus, I still sucker myself into watching the Grammy's every year. Almost every year I end up disappointed afterward. This year was no exception. However, this year's show was actually more anti-climactic than most. I watched the entire show and the next day the only things that really stuck with me were how dumb the Dixie Chicks sound when people are actually giving them dap instead of condemning them and how much half the people who were actually at the show seemed to be even less enthusiastic than I was sitting on my couch at home. Not to mention the entirely too much face-time dedicated to Justin Timberlake throughout the show. And I'm not even a JT hater. I'm comfortable enough with my masculinity to admit that he actually seems like he's probably a pretty cool guy. Nonetheless, when he pulled out that little camera and danced around with it all up in his face, that was a bit much. And the whole "contest" where people at home were supposed to vote for one of three generic girls who no one's ever heard of so that they can frolic next to Timberlake on stage, well that was just plain weird. Anyway, I'll say that right now I'm not exactly holding my breathe for the upcoming Oscars, but then again, they've got a lot of upside to work with after Sunday night.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Beginning

And so it begins. For some time now, I've been meaning to catch up with the twenty-first century and start a blog. Now I have. It's funny though, when it seems that there is no appropriate outlet for the things floating around in your head, all of those thoughts seem so deep and profound, even potentially world-changing. Then when you sit down and actually try to say something that the whole known universe has access to, all you can come up with is reflective, self-depricating drivel about how you've got nothing to say. I guess that's not really funny at all. Kind of sad really.

However, one thought that I would like to share actually has to do with the most common of topics among small-talkers everywhere: the weather. Something needs to be said about snow, and more precisely, about shoveling snow. I understand that if you've got a substantial amount of snow (anything that can be expressed in feet: 1/2 foot, three feet, etc.), it's probably a good idea that, assuming your someone who owns/uses a car and a driveway, that you shovel said driveway. But if there is roughly an inch of snow on the ground, to me, shoveling a driveway seems like possibly the biggest waste of time ever. Especially if the snow is still falling, and will continue to snow for the next several hours, in which case that seems like some kind of ignorant, Sisyphus-inspired self-abuse. Maybe I'm just missing something in my understanding of snow-shoveling, but needless to say, my driveway will remain undisturbed this evening.